What is Villabrille – Largusa Kali?

Kali is a combat proven martial art that spans many generations.  From the time before the Spanish invasion of the Philippines, to only a few years ago, Kali was a closely guarded secret that was passed on from teacher to student and father to son.  Only the students deemed loyal were taught the art and it was never taught to non-Filipinos.  Today the art is practiced by thousands around the world and the perpetuation of this treasured part of the Filipino heritage continues.

The Villabrille – Largusa Kali System is the Filipino Martial Art founded by the late Great Grandmaster Floro Villabrille.  It is comprised of the various Filipino arts Villabrille learned in his travels across the Philippines. Numerous masters have influenced Villabrille’s method of combat but his most influential instructors were his uncle, Leoncio Villagano, Master Pio from Masbate Isles and Princess Josephina from Gandara, Samar.

Villabrille’s protégé and hand-picked successor to his system, the late Grandmaster Ben Largusa systemized and broke-down Villabrille’s fighting techniques.  He put into place theories and philosophies that comprise the art and it is for this reason that the art is known today as the Villabrille-Largusa Kali System.

Schools of the Villabrille-Largusa Kali System continue to teach the weaponry, empty hand (Kinamot and Panantukan) and kicking (Sikaran) techniques of the late Grandmaster Villabrille.  It is taught today for self-defense and fitness; but every aspect and characteristic of combat is maintained, regarded and practiced with the greatest honor and respect.

The Kali Association of America

On January 27, 1973 the Kali Association of America (KAA) was officially formed after the Constitution and By-Laws of the KAA were adopted by the Grandmaster Villabrille, Tuhan Ben Largusa, the  Guro and students of the Largusa School of Kali. The KAA is a non-profit organization that exists to promote, organize and perpetuate the Villabrille-Largusa Kali System, a martial art of the Philippines.  It is the governing body of the Villabrille-Largusa Kali System and its member schools.   

Founding Members - January 27, 1973
Grandmaster Floro VillabrilleTuhan Ben Largusa
Guro Greg LontayaoGuro Mel LopezGuro Tony Lamadora
Guro Greg RojasGuro Lindsey LargusaGuro Mario Magdangal
Guro Mario MagdangalGuro Ronald HelmannGuro Donald Shockley
Guro Kaohu CummingsGuro Daniel InosantoGuro Richard Bustillo
Guro Teodoro Lucay Lucay, Sr.Guro Teodoro Lucay Lucay, Jr.Rodney Anoba
Guro Eustaquio SanchezGuro Dominador LargusaGuro Narcisco Babao